Is Beautifully

Is Beautifully

Featuring Martyna Chomacka, Alicja Jaworska, Paulina Anna Galanciak

Films by Paulina Wierzgacz

"Shot in The Back of The Head" by Moby
"Live Forever" by Moby
Pretty Little Dog" by Shake That Little Foot 

Translated by Michał Smektała

Special thanks to Mateusz Bral and Camera Nera Studios for their help. 

This project was realised as a diploma series at The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw in Media Persuasion Workshop concred by professor Wiesław Gołuch, assistance professor Dr. Maja Wolińska and assistance professor Dr. Jakub Jernajczyk.

Life becomes meaningful only when a person is passionate about something. Fulfilling your passion gives you the ability to achieve more, broaden your horizons. When you follow your heart, it improves you as a person. This is a series which takes you on a journey through passion, through the eyes and from the perspective of the narrator, who is an amazing girl.

documentary, Poland 2014

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